Saturday, December 24, 2011

Straight Through My Heart...!

They dont really know me
They may have just seen me
Most of them may not have even noticed
And some may have given me a thought
Just another guy or nerd they may have thought
No they dont know me
Some may have been with me for a little time
Kinda boring or lil shy they may think of me
Some may even have been with me for years
But little does anyone know about the REAL me
Talk to me I am an open book
But written with a deep meaning inside
Inside a shy me may lie someone
who is raring to dine upon your head
I may not be the hunk
I may not be a stud
I may not have a way with girls
All I know is to cheer you up
And Do the best I can do for you
To be with you when you need me
The more you are close to me
The more I belive I am born to be there for you
To give you all my love and care
I never said I am the Perfect human to be with
But I would give my all to be that for you
Though no body is perfect I know
And hey I am 'not' a nobody
I am just SOMEBODY who shares a relation with you
Be it any... I promise I will never let you down
I am hard to understand but easy to be with
If not money , I will earn you love
And be the most thankful person in this world
To have you in my life forever
You may be a guy or girl
But my love for you will be the same
This one is for every person in my life
Or those who dont know the REAL me
Or those who are my PEARLS
This one is not written as a POEM