Sunday, January 22, 2012

What I wanna be.....

Ever thought what you wanna be in your life
Some may say Doctor and some may say Engineer
There could be others who may say a lawyer
And many may also say A Businessman
Ask me the same question and I would say
Whatever I do I wanna be the role model in it
Be it a son , a brother or a husband
I just wanna be the best of it
As a son I wanna make my parents proud
'He is our son' they shall say it loud
Fulfill their dreams like they fulfill mine
And give them the honour and respect they deserve
As a brother I wanna guide my younger siblings
To the right way in their lives
And collect the experiences of the older ones
along with all the fights , care and love
As a husband I wanna bestow my partner with love
And Fulfill all her dreams and wishes
Protect her from any kind of harm
and whenever wherever be there for her
As a father I wanna pamper my kids with affection
and sacrifice all my desires to let them dream bigger
Be it helping my son to get his first girlfriend
Or protecting my daughter from the bad lads
As a friend I will be loyal and ever helping
To laugh with them on their happiness
And to support them when they are sad
I wanna earn money , but with respect
Treat myself and my family
With all the luxury in life
I will do everything what it takes
to make them say ' HE IS THE BEST '
Money may come or go but one thing will stay
That is my love for you all who show my life the right way.