Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Love never fades...

A journey meant to last forever
The Love meant to blossom every second
It all started 25 years ago
When two stars met each other on earth

Promises between them were made
That between them love shall never fade
As she sacrificed her everything for him
He made all her wishes his responsibility

Made in heaven made for each other
They started a new journey 
That changed their I to WE and Mine to OUR 
Like 2 rivers meeting and flowing together as one

May this love and affection stay forever
May they always stay happily together
For when I see them with each other I realize
That indeed true love never dies.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What I wanna be.....

Ever thought what you wanna be in your life
Some may say Doctor and some may say Engineer
There could be others who may say a lawyer
And many may also say A Businessman
Ask me the same question and I would say
Whatever I do I wanna be the role model in it
Be it a son , a brother or a husband
I just wanna be the best of it
As a son I wanna make my parents proud
'He is our son' they shall say it loud
Fulfill their dreams like they fulfill mine
And give them the honour and respect they deserve
As a brother I wanna guide my younger siblings
To the right way in their lives
And collect the experiences of the older ones
along with all the fights , care and love
As a husband I wanna bestow my partner with love
And Fulfill all her dreams and wishes
Protect her from any kind of harm
and whenever wherever be there for her
As a father I wanna pamper my kids with affection
and sacrifice all my desires to let them dream bigger
Be it helping my son to get his first girlfriend
Or protecting my daughter from the bad lads
As a friend I will be loyal and ever helping
To laugh with them on their happiness
And to support them when they are sad
I wanna earn money , but with respect
Treat myself and my family
With all the luxury in life
I will do everything what it takes
to make them say ' HE IS THE BEST '
Money may come or go but one thing will stay
That is my love for you all who show my life the right way.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Straight Through My Heart...!

They dont really know me
They may have just seen me
Most of them may not have even noticed
And some may have given me a thought
Just another guy or nerd they may have thought
No they dont know me
Some may have been with me for a little time
Kinda boring or lil shy they may think of me
Some may even have been with me for years
But little does anyone know about the REAL me
Talk to me I am an open book
But written with a deep meaning inside
Inside a shy me may lie someone
who is raring to dine upon your head
I may not be the hunk
I may not be a stud
I may not have a way with girls
All I know is to cheer you up
And Do the best I can do for you
To be with you when you need me
The more you are close to me
The more I belive I am born to be there for you
To give you all my love and care
I never said I am the Perfect human to be with
But I would give my all to be that for you
Though no body is perfect I know
And hey I am 'not' a nobody
I am just SOMEBODY who shares a relation with you
Be it any... I promise I will never let you down
I am hard to understand but easy to be with
If not money , I will earn you love
And be the most thankful person in this world
To have you in my life forever
You may be a guy or girl
But my love for you will be the same
This one is for every person in my life
Or those who dont know the REAL me
Or those who are my PEARLS
This one is not written as a POEM

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The 'Love Story' Poem

Once there was a guy and there was a girl
Hardly did they know that they will fall in love
He saw her and fell for her the same moment
But she was a Ms. No time for Love
He was not going to give up so easily
He was not just another lover
And tried to get close to her
But she , unaware of his love for her , Ignored him
He was desperate to prove his love , his feelings for her
Since Giving up was not his way
He was just waiting for the right day
His faith was true ,his love was pure
This was a disease only she could cure
Finally they became friends
And A love story got its beginning
Slowly and Slowly he started creeping into her mind
For he knew that this was the only way to her heart
As the feelings grew she did not know
That now for her he was more than just a friend
She could feel her heart beat faster
Everytime he came close to her
She had never felt that before
She didnt know what was happening to her
She was not able to accept that she was falling for him
Her feelings couldnt remain hidden for long
The feelings which kept on getting strong
One day he stood in front of her and knelt
And Confessed everything that he felt
She blushed and she smiled
Her love for him , in her eyes , shined
He reached the cloud number nine
That moment for them was so divine
It marked the beginning of a new journey
In which together they travelled happily...Forever...

Wanna Let you Know - II

I can understand your loneliness
Cuz we are so close yet so far
But I will keep on holding you tight
And make sure everything is alright
We will be together standing in front of each other for sure
And wherever we are together....the place is just ours

You never sound crazy my girl
those three words say more than just 'I love You'
Dont you ever worry I am always gonna be with you
Even when you are not there I know what you feel

I will always love you more than anyone else
We are so meant to be together my dear
I can hear things which are unsaid by you
Not just a part...I am completely yours
And whenever you fall , I will be there to hold you

The Loneliness will go but I will never
I will always be by your side
Tonight and Every night
Everything will be just alright
You are... always... by my side...And.. Everything is...Alright.. :)

Just One Day... With you by my side...!

Its been a long time
I have been missing you
Its been a long time
Since I heard a word from you
WHy do these distances keep us away
Cant they leave us alone and go away
Oh Baby Thats why I wanted to say
Please give me just one day
To make me feel I am alive
I wanna wake up in the morning
with you by my side
I wanna walk in the garden
with you by my side
I wanna drive through the mountains
with you by my side
I wanna dance in the night club
with you by my side
I wanna lay down beneath the stars
with you by my side
Tell me if you can make it true
Tell me if we can make it through
I cant wait no more now
DOnt ask where , why and how
Because all I know is that I want a day with you
We will walk down into the streets
Holding each others' hand
Let the people see
The world's best couple together
If you can give me just one day
Thats all I wanted to say.....

I Love You....

As I keep my hand on my heart
I feel it beating so fast
As I close my eyes in the night
I feel you cuddling me in your arms
Such a love we share together
Which is gonna last forever and ever
A feeling so strong that turns me on
Cause You got that magnetizing charm
which attracts me closer to you
As the Silence of the night surrounds us
We get cozy and out of every fear
Its so good being in your arms
Free of all worries and Tensions
Your Love feels like a rainfall
which should never cease
You whisper in my ear that you love me
And I fall in love with you all over again
You come closer to me and hug me tight
And I know that Everything is gonna be alright
Your Touch is so caressing my dear
Makes me wanna say let me come near
Your Kiss feels like an eternal bliss
And Makes me Reach the cloud nine
You are like my air I feel you everywhere
You are like my pole star
Never changing and always the brightest
In my life I never felt all that before
And now I just cant live without this feeling
You give me everyday with your presence
With you Safely wrapped in my arms
Everything seems to be where it should be
For you are my world..my everything
And the only reason that I am LIVING
Let Everyday be the 14th of February
Let Everyweek be the Valentine's week
Cause my heart doesnt have any calendar
To see when to love and when not
Its just tailor made to love you everyday
and everynight Till the very end of OUR EXISTANCE......