Saturday, October 31, 2009

I Love You....

As I keep my hand on my heart
I feel it beating so fast
As I close my eyes in the night
I feel you cuddling me in your arms
Such a love we share together
Which is gonna last forever and ever
A feeling so strong that turns me on
Cause You got that magnetizing charm
which attracts me closer to you
As the Silence of the night surrounds us
We get cozy and out of every fear
Its so good being in your arms
Free of all worries and Tensions
Your Love feels like a rainfall
which should never cease
You whisper in my ear that you love me
And I fall in love with you all over again
You come closer to me and hug me tight
And I know that Everything is gonna be alright
Your Touch is so caressing my dear
Makes me wanna say let me come near
Your Kiss feels like an eternal bliss
And Makes me Reach the cloud nine
You are like my air I feel you everywhere
You are like my pole star
Never changing and always the brightest
In my life I never felt all that before
And now I just cant live without this feeling
You give me everyday with your presence
With you Safely wrapped in my arms
Everything seems to be where it should be
For you are my everything
And the only reason that I am LIVING
Let Everyday be the 14th of February
Let Everyweek be the Valentine's week
Cause my heart doesnt have any calendar
To see when to love and when not
Its just tailor made to love you everyday
and everynight Till the very end of OUR EXISTANCE......

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