Saturday, October 31, 2009

Always together...

Nothing else matters till you are with me
Neither Time , Nor Space can keep us apart
Be it any part of the world
We are always gonna be together
Our love binds us close to each other
Baby we got nothing to fear
Never seen a journey with so many obstacles
But trust me my dear
Even Those obstacles will never see
A love as strong as true as ours
If you trust me I promise
to give you the best moments of your life
till my very last breath
The world seems beautiful when you are with me
And I need nothing else but you
Lets fill love in the space between us
And take that path of love
TO feel real close to each other
So close that even the air does not seperate us
Let there be no pain , no sorrow , no fear
Never gonna let you drop a single tear
And even if they manage to get through your eyes
they wont be able to escape my lips
And for your zillion dollar smile
I will go to any extend to make sure
that smile adores your face all your life
And as you smile my world shines
and that darkness of pain and sorrow vanishes
And I can trust my soul to you
That you will always let there be LIGHT....

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