Friday, October 16, 2009

You,me and us....

Take me into a world ,
where there is only you and me.
spending all our time with each other,
sharing all our memories with one another.
a world where there is no one else,
its just you,me and us.
a world where you are close to me,
only I would be the one you can see.
where sun shines when we want it to shine,
and the stars keep on glowing all the time.
a world where we can enjoy day and night,
where we talk , play , laugh and fight,
but always stay together forever and ever,
where you are near always , far never.
a world where you help me and I help you,
where each day is exciting and new,
even if we have to face danger,
we make it through cuz' we are together.
a world where there is no one else,
its just you, me and us.
a world where paths are made only for us,
we will walk it through,
no need of a car or a bus,
cuz' we are together forever,
spending all our time with each other,
sharing all our memories with one another.
a world where there is no one else,
its just you,me and us...

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