Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our Future...

I see a future which is ours
You are mine and I am yours
I can see us hanging out in malls
And those unlimited messages and calls
I can see us in between the candlelight
Making sure that you are always in my sight
I can see us watching a movie together
with your hands on mine , it couldnt have been better
I can see us together , going for a long drive
Feeling like we should go on and on till We survive
The rear view mirror is well adjusted to your face
All I wanna see is you on my nights and days
I can see myself kissing your hand
At world's most romantic land
I can see you waiting for me
With a red veil over your head
I can see the moment when you will be completely mine
The day after which its gonna be you
with whom I am gonna dine
I can see myself bending down holding a ring
And you accept it and make me your king
Tell me , Oh queen of my heart
When will these things start...

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