Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The girl I Saw

I saw a girl..
her face .. like a precious pearl
her search of someone
her face... waiting for a dear one
I kept looking at her
thinking if we could ever be together
without any control over my heart
i thought of making her my part
we were so near yet so apart
if i was a little more smart
I would have asked her out
but being shy i had doubt
if she feels the way i feel
i could go out and have a meal
with her in a place full of romance
but i will never get a chance....

she got her eyes on me
and i got my eyes on her
we two staring at each other
there came a lady calling her daughter
was there anything for me to bother
but the girl got away
with the lady that made her way
we looked at each other till
she was out of my sight
Wish i could ever see her again
but all my dreams in vain
As I would never see her again...

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